Hello all
Dolores here. I'm looking forward to hopefully getting my own blog back, rather than having to cover for my absent husband. I am trying my best to understand why he's in hiding, but he won't listen. The police have been in touch with him to make assurances that his safety is paramount. We haven't had any more threats yet, which either means the perp has gone underground, or has been arrested for something else.
I'm muddling along. The morning sickness is abating, though I do get tired very easily, and somewhat nauseous in the evenings. Denise has been as helpful as possible, but the girl isn't really made for housework, or companionship come to think of it.
My mother has been here on a couple of occasions. Her views of Joseph's activities are best kept off this post, I think. I keep trying to defend him, but she won't listen.
The local media have been here on several occasions asking about Joseph and his whereabouts. He is becoming more of a local celebrity by his absence than anything he ever actually did or said whilst here. Two reporters have apparently been dispatched to track him down. I suggested that might be a bad idea, what with Ravel apparently having taken on guard duties, but they ignored my advice. Good luck to them, I say.
It is now my turn to read through the book of the blog. There are certain bits I really think shouldn't appear if we are to have the mass appeal that he anticipates. He's also put in a story about things going on at a conference in Denver, Colorado. Now, he tells me that it is all entirely from his imagination. But I know he actually did go to a conference in Denver a few years ago, and I of course have no idea what he really gets up to at these things. No reason to doubt his word of course, at least not at the moment.